Donor Wall


Ten Million People Project: Bioroot Energy, Inc.

Our sincere gratitude to these generous individuals for their support to advance commercial-scale higher mixed alcohol fuel projects:

Bromwell Ault*
Henry Augustine
Heather Barrett
Angela Blackledge*
Art Bookbinder*
Arlen Bird
Patricia Burns
Deena Brazy
David Casiday
Michael Campbell*
Monica Campbell*
Heath N. Carey*
Susan & Dean Carey
Chris Carlson
Susan Chang
Astrid Chisholm
Cynthia Crass
Bret Dayley
Julie Dayley
Gabriele Daurer*
Larry Daum
Alexandria DeAtley*
Alicia De Vita*
Stefan Dosch
William Eden
Christina Ellwanger
Cliff Fairchild
Daniel Flaum
Susan Fischer
Randy Greer*
Bruce Hinson*
Alex Harcourt
Terry Huff*
Nancy Jarvis
Samuel Johnson*
Susan Johnson
Janet Roubik Kinneberg*
Ian Linley
Charlene Love
Paul Lyons*
Antoinette Miller
Kathleen Moody
Katherine Morgan*
Missy Musgrove
Lin Ostler
Richard Pascale*
Tanya Phillips
Mark Radosevich*
Laurie Rando (
T. R. Ritchie
Wesley Savage
Patrice Schultz
John Sherman*
Thomas Slabe*
Earl Smith
Shirley Smith
Mark Snider*
Tim Southwell*
Patricia Springstead*
J. Christine Tegler*
Desmond Toups*
Drayton Toups*
Jodi Wagstaff-Toups
Brett Turnquist
Jeanie Valentine
Hank Van Well Jr.*
Barbel Veith*
Uwe Veith*
Benjamin Voegele
Smara Patsaros Voglesong
Gerry Wass*
Linda Weber
Dick White
Dave Woodward
Drew Young
Danie Zepeda*

*$100+ Donations

How fast can the human race move from “cradle-grave” disposable-everything economics to a circular economy that leaves nobody and no “thing” out? The answer is, as fast as we the people care to go.

We’re building “the carbon bridge” and we invite you to participate by lending your support in whatever way makes sense for you. Demonstrating the value and benefits of higher mixed alcohol fuel production and use is our mission, with first projects in Montana, then worldwide as fast as we can grow. Successful small-scale production and early fuel market acceptance of this cleaner, stronger alcohol fuel will set the stage for larger commercial-scale projects to be sited near landfills, within oil refineries, near gas fields, power plants and manufacturing operations. And Earth’s environment will be the better for our efforts.  

Thanks for paying it forward!

If you prefer, checks payable to Bioroot Energy, Inc., can be sent via postal mail.

Please note that donations to Bioroot Energy are NOT currently tax deductible.

Please tell your friends about higher mixed alcohol fuel, Bioroot Energy and the Ten Million People project!

Why donate? More than ever, what we all throw “away” and buy and burn in our fuel tanks matters. Donate a few dollars today toward developing a clean, renewable alcohol fuel that powers all types of engines that can be profitably produced from the trash and garbage in your community. Our job is to make sure you’re glad you did.  Your support and trust are appreciated and won’t be forgotten. Thank you.

Why does a renewable fuel company solicit non-tax deductible donations? Simple. We don’t pursue government support. We are self-funded, with a small group of seed investors behind us, and we are careful about vetting larger investment interests. Not everyone’s money is green. Donor support from those who inform themselves and donate to our project, or help share information about our company, help us continue to inform the world about higher mixed alcohol fuel and continue working to improve the world’s renewable energy portfolio and implement cleaner and more responsible waste management practices.